Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Whiskey   Product type:  750ml  Bottle          $43.99 Each     USA

Angel's Envy has one of the most sensual bouquets ever nosed on a bourbon. Soft, gentle and with aromas of warm caramels, maple candy, satsumas, brown sugar and praline, the bouquet is a study in subtle complexities.

Body and Palate
Angel's Envy offers a rich mouthfeel and a sumptuous banquet of flavors on the palate. The effect of the port barrel finish is evident in the sophistication and complexity of flavors, everything is perfectly balanced and the port doesn't overwhelm the natural bourbon flavors but instead perfectly complements it. Vanilla bundt cake, cinnamon, mint and orange flavors abound with a delicious burnt sugar undertone and solid oak notes.

Last Updated:2024-01-10 09:51:06