Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Whiskey   Product type:  750ml  Bottle          $28.95 Each     USA
The U.S. Government Standards require "rye whiskey" to be made from a mash of at least 51% rye grain.  For Redemption Rye we use a mash of 95% premium rye grain for a spicy and bold flavor and we use premium rye, which costs more but is well worth it, because when you use good ingredients you get good rye whiskey.The standards do not specify a minimum time the rye whiskey needs to stay in the barrel, but once it has been in the barrel for 2 years it earns the designation of "straight" rye whiskey.  Redemption Rye is aged for over 2 years.We empty the barrels and filter for particles, cut it down to 92 proof and bottle it immediately so that the most flavor from the barrel makes it into the bottle. 
Last Updated:2024-01-12 14:35:05