Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Liqueurs   Product type:  750ml  Anise          $32.95 Each     France
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Pernod Liqueur

First produced in 1805, Pernod is the oldest and most international of the French aniseed spirit brands. It is present on the 5 continents and in around 170 countries. The skilful blending of star-anise essences and aromatic herbs used to produce the unique flavour of this distilled spirit is a closely guarded secret. Pernod is enjoyed diluted with cold water in France and, as a long drink, with soda or fruit juice elsewhere in the world.

for more details visit:

Pernod's website 

Last Updated:2024-02-24 08:24:00